Our Members

Our members are forward-looking organizations, foundations, and donors committed to achieving climate accountability.

Member Benefits

Emissions Measurement

We comprehensively support organizations in emissions measurement. We utilize a streamlined process that generates rigorous, actionable results. Annual emissions measurement is included in membership.

Support from Our Team

We support members in measurement processes and system improvement, in reduction planning, and in the development of the Climate Action Plan by facilitating access to experts, tools, and resources.

High Impact Mitigation

Members have access to an expert-mediated mitigation fund that coordinates extensive due diligence on carbon removal, reduction, and avoidance projects to determine what mitigation projects to collectively support

Mutual Accountability

Members set ambitious emissions reductions targets and mitigation goals and then support one another in achieving them.


We provide learning resources and opportunities that help members improve emissions measurement, design and implement reduction initiatives, and set mitigation strategies.

Guiding Principles

  • Transparency and accountability both internally and publicly around emissions measurement results and progress made in emissions reduction and mitigation

  • Flexibility and phasing in changes necessary for members to adapt internally to meet member expectations and for the broader initiative to experiment and learn in its early years

  • Meaningful action on addressing climate change is expected of members around setting bold emissions reduction targets and targeting high impact mitigation strategies without impacting mission relevant objectives

  • Commitment to resourcing collective action including assigning dedicated time among senior staff members, implementing systems improvements necessary for emissions measurement, and setting aside funding for pooled mitigation activities and projects

  • Commitment to applying a climate justice lens, understanding that the harmful effects of climate change have not been and will not be distributed equitably, that the poorest and most vulnerable will suffer the most, and that they are also least responsible for contributing to emissions.

Our work is informed by these Guiding Principles…

Member Commitments

1. Establish a Climate Action Plan

With support from CAD, members will create and share a multi-year Climate Action Plan for their organization.

2. Measure greenhouse gas emissions annually

CAD facilitates emissions measurement for members. Members measure Scope 1 (direct emissions from burning fossil fuels), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from electricity usage), and Scope 3.6 (business travel) emissions annually. Members report emissions on their websites. As we look ahead, members commit to increasing the accuracy and completeness of greenhouse gas emissions measurement. 

3. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Organizations commit to a 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. While emissions reduction should be a high priority for CAD members, it is critical that emissions reduction activities do not disrupt mission-critical activities. 

4. Mitigate hard-to-avoid emissions that cannot be reduced.

Our goal will be to achieve full carbon accountability by 2025. This will be achieved through the implementation of reduction activities by the organization and through the purchase of a portfolio of high quality carbon mitigation and removal activities.

Our members are committed to taking meaningful action to address their carbon footprints.

Join us.

If you are a nonprofit or funder who wants to move toward climate accountability, we’d love to speak with you.

We have a limited number of membership openings for early 2023 and are now accepting statements of interest.

Have questions? Contact us to set up an information session.